Before Exergen, there was no method of taking temperature that patients or clinicians considered comfortable, convenient, and accurate. Old tools, rectal, oral, axilla, and ear thermometers, either caused significant discomfort or artifactual inaccuracies, or both.
We knew we could do better. Our solution? Use core temperature and the temporal artery. Reading the temporal artery is easy, accessible, contains no mucous membranes, and notably, few arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA). The absence of AVA’s means that perfusion rate is reliable under almost all conditions, and the blood flow is relatively free of vasomotor control in response to thermomoregulatory stimuli. This fact is unique to the temporal artery. Temporal artery thermometers allows for accurate computations of the heat lost to the environment due to the cutaneous flow, and thus an accurate calculation of arterial temperature at the heart.

These independent, peer-reviewed, studies and papers demonstrate the superiority of the Exergen TermporalScanner. And we’re just getting started.
Studies by Clinical Specialty – 117+ studies
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