New Study Finds Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometry Saves 87% of Nursing Time
According to a recent study published by the Journal of Pediatric Nursing, “The utilization of TA thermometry offers a reliable method to measure temperature while also offering significant comfort benefits to children, decreasing risks associated with the rectal thermometry method, improving the quality and efficiency of nursing care, and improving patient and family satisfaction.”
In the analysis comparing temporal artery and rectal thermometry readings, the authors state, “The results of this study indicate that a statistically significant difference does not exist between TA thermometry measurements and rectal thermometry measurements.”
Temperature taking is one of the most frequent activities performed by healthcare workers as part of a basic health assessment of patients so the task involves a large amount of staff time. The study concluded that the use of TA thermometry provides an 87% reduction in nursing cost and time when compared to rectal thermometry.
Participants in the research included 40 children aged less than 24 months who were inpatients at the study site with a documented fever equal to or greater than 38°C. A total of 450 pairs of measurements were taken. For the time analysis, 80 measurements were taken (40 per method). The study also shows a TA thermometer causes significantly less discomfort than a rectal thermometer “resulting in increased family satisfaction with care.”
The Exergen Temporal Scanner was used in this study. Following a presentation of the study’s findings to medical and nursing staff at the facility, the TemporalScanner became the standard for temperature taking and has been used with more than 15,000 patients. The device uses patented infrared technology to detect the heat emitted from the skin surface over the temporal artery. A patented arterial heat balance system adjusts for the effects of the ambient and skin temperatures to produce a medically accurate body temperature.
“We developed this technology in response to healthcare providers’ need for an accurate and noninvasive method of thermometry that was suitable for all ages” said Francesco Pompei, PhD, CEO of Exergen Corporation. “This research firmly supports Exergen’s TemporalScanner as an accurate alternative to rectal thermometry for patients younger than 24 months, as a viable and effective option for healthcare facilities as a way to control costs and increase staff productivity, and to increase patient and family comfort and satisfaction with the care. Exergen’s TemporalScanner, now with 33 published studies attesting to its accuracy across all ages and clinical settings, has become the standard for thermometry in thousands of healthcare facilities.”
The study authors are not affiliated with Exergen and neither the authors nor the institution received compensation from the company for conducting the research.
Exergen Corporation is recognized worldwide as an innovator and leading manufacturer of patented infrared thermometers, scanners, sensors and controls. Its products are used in a wide variety of industrial and medical applications for both professionals and consumers. For additional information, visit