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  3. Flu season is coming soon! A review of the Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer
October 1, 2016

Flu season is coming soon! A review of the Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer

On the blog Famadillo.com, they are dedicated to bringing you family tips, travel and tidbits.  Blogger Jaime recently reviewed the Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer.


Mentioning how cold and flu season is nearing, Jaime happily wrote her experience with the thermometer. She talks about how easy and accurate it is to use, observing how you can even use the thermometer even while your kids are asleep.

Jaime even mentions how “it saves the last 8 readings so you can compare their hopeful improvement throughout the day”.

Thanks for the review, Jamie!

Read the Exergen review at Famadillo.com